Snacks Innovation Trends In Asia Pacific | Fbic 2020 Conference Review

According to Innova’s latest in-depth report “Asian Savoury Snacks Innovation Insights”, the Asian market’s salty snacks have grown at an average annual compound growth rate of 17.3% in the past five years, and spicy flavors are expanding their boundaries.

At the FBIC 2020 Global Food and Beverage Innovation Conference held from July 28 to 30, 2020, Innova brings insight into the latest trends in the Asia-Pacific snacks on innovation, based on Innova Ten Trends 2020, including in-depth analysis puffed snacks, fruit and vegetable Snacks, nut snacks, meat snacks and other snack foods are corresponding potential growth points. In this article, we will review the main content of the lecture.

1. Winning with words
Although the taste of food is always the primary factor in deciding to buy, consumers are now increasingly receiving all-round information about the product and understanding the complete brand story of the product. Japan’s Kamedaseika has re-narrated its brand story to consumers by changing the ratio of raw materials for the national snack persimmon. Storytelling can not only make the brand more transparent, but also enrich the brand’s personality, let consumers know more about the products, and build the long-term reputation of the brand in the minds of consumers.

2. Plant-Based Revolution
Asian consumers are more inclined to plant-based claims. 3 9 % Asian consumers believe that plant-based products taste better 4 0 % Asian consumers believe that plant -based products more healthy 4 5 % of Asian consumers believe that plant-based products more sustainable.
Manufacturers are accelerating the release of plant-based snack products based on consumer preferences. The catering industry is experimenting with plant-based meat-like snacks, and there are also many new plant-based snacks in retail channels. Compared with meat snacks, plant-derived snacks have healthier characteristics such as being rich in cellulose and zero cholesterol. In the eyes of consumers, they are the “less guilt” choice.

3. The Sustain Domain
Consumers are becoming more and more aware of sustainable production and lifestyles, pushing companies to prioritize eco-efficiency work. Regarding how to practice sustainable development, snack brands have various solutions. The brand’s sustainability solution can be either a sustainable development measure certified by a third-party organization, or it can be a story of sustainable development that allows consumers to experience the concept of the product.

4. The Right Bite
Innova trend research shows that 16% of Asian consumers feel stressed more than once a day. Innovative snack food products that claim to be stress-reducing support for busy consumers. Innova tracked the “energy blend” dried fruit launched by the Just jerky brand with a refreshing hemp protein.

5. Tapping into Texture
In the tide of experience economy, consumers’ pursuit of food and beverage experience has made the taste of products a very important consumer choice factor. The complex taste makes the snack products more indulgent. For example, the Golden Duck Sichuan Spicy Hot Pot-flavored mixed snack tracked by Innova in Singapore, which contains crispy fish skin, fluffy tofu skin and crispy mushroom slices. Besides, it provides a rich and satisfying taste experience.

6. Macronutrient Makeover
Scientific research continues to evolve, media trends change from time to time, and consumers’ judgments on “what to eat and how to eat” are not static. The development of the times has brought about changes in the concept of parenting. Snacks must fill children’s hunger and supplement their nutrition, and they must also become an indispensable pleasure for children in childhood. 
7.Hello Hybrids
Innova tracked that many puffed snacks in the Asia-Pacific market introduced the flavor of local specialties, such as salted egg yolk dumplings, Cantonese roast goose and Taiwanese rice blood cake flavored potato chips. Snack products spare no effort to expand the boundaries of people’s curiosity, and consumers are increasingly inclined to rich flavors.
8. A Star is Born
Innova trend research shows that consumers in the Asia-Pacific region are more familiar with insects, but the acceptance of insects as food ingredients is relatively low. 
9. Eat Pretty
Consumers expect both eating and beauty, so more and more new snack products are emphasizing the role of beauty and beauty. At the same time, weight management is also an important part of “eat beautiful”. 
10.Brand Unlimited
Consumers are eager for a full range of personalized experience, from the nutritional ingredients, flavor and taste of packaging design, they want to make their own voice in every link, and get feedback and responses from manufacturers. Scale personalization is becoming more and more popular, and time-limited personalization also enables brands and consumers to achieve unprecedented interaction. 

Post time: Sep-25-2020